Sunday, January 30, 2011

Atmospheric Perspective Part 1

This is the first part of my video on Atmospheric Perspective.  This part is about planning out the painting and includes ideas such as toning the canvas, creating a colour structure,  complementary colours, and palette organization.

You can see it in high definition at YouTube .

Friday, January 28, 2011

Atmospheric Annecy

This painting study and its accompanying video (coming up soon) are part of a thesis research project that I am doing for a Master's degree in Art Education at Concordia University.  They are also part of the curriculum of my Landscape painting class. The aim of the videos is to articulate both verbally and visually the different aspects of the painting process as well as the underlying theoretical concepts that are embedded in the thinking that goes on when caught up in the act of painting.  For an experienced painter this thinking seems almost intuitive, but for those of you who want to learn more about how to paint, it is not all that obvious.  I hope these videos will be useful to you.

On a personal note, I have a particular fondness for misty landscapes, especially after having live in France for several years.  I would like to thank Marcel MorĂ© for permitting me to use his photo of Mount Semnoz near the french city of Annecy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tonal Landscape Study

11 x 14, oil
This is a tonal landscape painting exploring how to mass in the three important planes of the landscape: the foreground. middle ground and background.  By focusing on the abstract shapes rather than the small details, the composition is more spontaneous and painterly.

You can watch the video in high definition at  You Tube.